Hand-crafted, stone oven


Enjoy Hand-Crafted, Fresh Hearth Oven Baked Goods!

We are now open Tuesdays!

If you grew up enjoying the smell of freshly baked bread in your home – and especially if you didn’t – you owe it to yourself to see, smell, feel and taste the quality of real bread.

Art of Bread by Joe’s stands far apart from the bread aisles in the big supermarkets, where you may recognize name brands but not know what’s exactly in the bread or how long it’s been on the shelf. At the Art of Bread you know that each loaf of bread was handmade that morning and baked fresh everyday.

Daily Bread

To know Joe’s Art of Bread process is to appreciate the time and care that go into your Artisan style bread or pastry.

  • At midnight, mixers start scaling and prepping the dough for the morning’s bake.
  • Joe’s bakers arrive long before dawn, scaling and shaping each individual loaf and product by hand
  • Bread is baked at 450 degrees on our Stone Hearth Oven and given a nice steam which gives the loaves a nice, crunchy crust.
  • Each loaf is then individually packaged and displayed.

Look at the Label

Check out the ingredients on each loaf’s wrapper. You’ll never find words like calcium sulfate, ethoxylated mono and diglycerides, or ammonium chloride.

Instead, you’ll see that every loaf is made entirely from scratch, with absolutely no artificial ingredients or preservatives.

Sourced From our Market

For specialty baked goods like cinnamon bread, pizza bread, and ham-and-cheese croissants, we draw ingredients from our own produce, meat and dairy departments, so we – and you – can be sure that everything is as fresh and natural as it can be.

Stop by …and inhale

There’s no aroma to match that of freshly baked bread and pastries. See what we mean with a visit to Art of Bread by Joe’s. On most days you can come in and see the us making your bread and pastries from scratch. Chances are, you’ll walk out with a new favorite, ready for toast, sandwiches, or just the classic bread-and-butter treat.

Art of Bread by Joe’s
33048 7 Mile Rd, Livonia, MI 48152

Tues. – Sun. 8 am – 6 pm
Closed Mondays

Call ahead at 248-477-4311




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